One day I ran out of coffee, as the reality of having to leave the house for my morning cup sat in I couldn’t believe I hadn’t placed another order on my favorite roasters website a week prior so I would have been sitting flush with beans right now. There had to be a way to subscribe to coffee right? There were some options out there, I tried them. Could they ship coffee to my house every week? Sure. Was their customer service good? Yeah it seemed to do the trick. The problem? I DIDN’T LIKE THE BEANS. It was hard to believe in the world of Netflix and StitchFix so perfectly able to nail down your movie or clothing tastes I was left with bummer coffees. As a data scientist I set out to fix this problem and NO DECAF ALLOWED was born with some of my entrepreneur classmates at UCI.
As we serviced more and more customers and began to hear their coffee stories it became clear that people didn’t just want great coffee delivered automagically, they also wanted to elevate their coffee game. That’s when we realized NO DECAF ALLOWED isn’t just a showcase for the best roasters in the country to send perfectly matched roasts but a tool to increase coffee knowledge and bring more people into the speciality world. Our live virtual tasting options became so popular that we launched a self guided tasting experience for our customers to learn more about all the great nuances of third wave coffee.